Happy Valentines Day Everyone! It has been awhile since I have been here I know so many things have been going on that I haven't had time to sit down and just relax. I have been working so hard trying to get dolls ready for a Black History Month Show at the end of this month. I would like to share a few things with you. First I must share my box of goodies I received from my swap partner. I was in a Swap over at Char from http://charsethman.blogspot.com/ She has the best Swaps ever! My Partner was Lorna at http://liveoakprimitivepeddler.blogspot.com/ I love all my goodies please refrain from being jealous lol.
I can tell she put her heart into putting together my box. I love the apron! everything except for the linens was handmade. The wax tarts smell so GOOD! Everything is just perfect.
Also, I have some dolls to share some still in the process of waiting on a little of this and that one I completed yesterday.
Her name is Miss Mattie she is a School Mom the kids on the McCullough Plantation. Miss Mattie loves teaching the children who are able to attend her small room school house that is 10 miles from the plantation. For at least 3 days a week the children walk the long dirt road that leads to Miss Mattie one room school house located on her small 10 acre farm land. She had 5 kids of her own and a farm to tend but she still makes time to give the children in the area a proper schooling. If it was not for her most of the children would never have learned to Read or Write. They all love her and you can tell she loves them as well.
Anyone interested in purchasing Miss Mattie please contact me. Have a Wonderful Valentines Day Everyone
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl...Snatch JOY~!
Freebie Friday Valentine Cross Stitch Pattern
Hello everyone, here is another free pattern a day later than I
anticipated, I think I may start calling this Freebie Saturday!
A quick Valentine cross s...
4 weeks ago