Those times have long gone along with my doll rooms. I have many dolls stored in my basement that I will be putting up for sale, I just don't have the room for them anymore. I had given myself a rule if it couldn't fit in the curio cabinets then they had to go. I have two large curios where I keep my prized doll collections some very expensive others I just had to have them. Among those are my favorites to collect which are China heads and old play dolls from the 40's to the late 70's some a little newer. Gosh I'm getting side track okay on to the panel I am going to be putting it in my Etsy shop sometime this week but if anyone is interested in it just let me know. It is 45 1/2 by 32 1/2 inch panel The price is $10.00 includes travel fees in the States I have to calculate travel fees outside of the States. It's really cute and I can see some quilters out there making a nice binky for that special baby. It reminds me so much of Kims stuffed animals here is her blog I just love them *I was going to use it for a doll quilt* lol.
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl...Snatch JOY~!