Hello Dear Friends, I thought I take time to stop and say hello and thank everyone for the kinds words. I truly appreciate it. I am still working on clearing up space and trying to find storage solutions for such a small work space. I don't know how some of you are able to create the perfect work area. I feel trapped among the many items that I have to use in working on my dolls. Speaking of dolls I have listed three of them in my Etsy shop but as always I am never able to sell not one doll online. Just what is the secret to selling dolls online?
I get many compliments on how much people love my dolls but never anyone interested in the purchase of one. I have did more giving away dolls than selling them. The lucky recipient of my dolls are always surprised at how they look in person. I have set a goal that by end of summer I will at least sell one doll. While going through supplies I ran across some pretty pastel yellow quilt I am going to use it for a few things so stay tuned in upcoming weeks for what I am going to make with it. Also if I am lucky to sell one doll in celebration of that I am going to give a GIVE AWAY! Yes me will be hosting a give away so keep your fingers crossed and lets all hope that I get one doll sold. Have a Great Day Everyone
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl..........Still Snatching JOY~!
Freebie Friday Valentine Cross Stitch Pattern
Hello everyone, here is another free pattern a day later than I
anticipated, I think I may start calling this Freebie Saturday!
A quick Valentine cross s...
4 weeks ago