Hello Dear Friends, I thought I take time to stop and say hello and thank everyone for the kinds words. I truly appreciate it. I am still working on clearing up space and trying to find storage solutions for such a small work space. I don't know how some of you are able to create the perfect work area. I feel trapped among the many items that I have to use in working on my dolls. Speaking of dolls I have listed three of them in my Etsy shop but as always I am never able to sell not one doll online. Just what is the secret to selling dolls online?
I get many compliments on how much people love my dolls but never anyone interested in the purchase of one. I have did more giving away dolls than selling them. The lucky recipient of my dolls are always surprised at how they look in person. I have set a goal that by end of summer I will at least sell one doll. While going through supplies I ran across some pretty pastel yellow quilt I am going to use it for a few things so stay tuned in upcoming weeks for what I am going to make with it. Also if I am lucky to sell one doll in celebration of that I am going to give a GIVE AWAY! Yes me will be hosting a give away so keep your fingers crossed and lets all hope that I get one doll sold. Have a Great Day Everyone
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl..........Still Snatching JOY~!
Freebie Friday Valentine Cross Stitch Pattern
Hello everyone, here is another free pattern a day later than I
anticipated, I think I may start calling this Freebie Saturday!
A quick Valentine cross s...
3 weeks ago
Hi Cheryl...this amazes me you haven't sold any dolls! I love doll maker blogs and follow as many as I can get my eyes on, but only recently discovered you. Do you have facebook, twitter? In fact I have found most artists through FB and on other blog links. The more places to showcase your latest creations the better. You have a unique style that I would think would have a BIG market. Your dolls are great and beg to be hugged :)
ReplyDeleteCouple more things, most people surf quickly like me, if they don't find something quick they give up and move on. Glancing through your blog, I don't see a link to view your Etsy shop. You are using a lot of valuable real-estate with stick figures (I find myself staring at them, get dizzy, forget what I was doing and close your blog) and advertising other artists (which can be great for networking and a kind gesture but for some reason my eye is drawn to all the pics on the right hand side, some of which are your creations, but most are to other artists) Hope none of that sounded harsh, you just need more ways to find you and less ways to leave your blog if that makes sense :)
ReplyDeleteDear Cheryl, I don't know this from personal experience, I have never tried to sell on Etsy, but I have heard many times that it is much more diffucult to get a following started on etsy. Granted it is much cheaper than ebay, but why not give ebay a try? right now there are free auction style listings. If you are not familiar with ebay, I will be happy to help you get started if you would like to try. The free insertion for auction style listings is going on till July 12th. any starting price. I'm certainly not trying to be a slaes rep for ebay..the fees there are completely ridiculous! But maybe this could help you get started, and direct more people to your blog. One thing I can, and will do is post a link from my blog to yours, who knows, maybe this will help a bit! Also Cheryl, if you post your etsy store as suggested above, That may help too. I bet Jess from Little Dirt Lane could help you too, she is a great seller on Etsy, and has a huge follwing. Good luck Cheryl, and again, if you need help please just ask! xoxo Christel You pay only if your item sells, so what would you have to lose?
ReplyDeleteAimee Thanks so much for your help I finally figured out how to put my link to Etsy on the blog. With a couple of tries I got it. Christel I will also give the ebay thing a try. You are right about first getting a following. I also have a facebook page and put together one as a fan page for my dolls. Still not sure how that one works I will put the link to that up also tomorrow. I thank you ladies from the bottom of my heart for taking time out to help me. I will not give up!
ReplyDeletePeace and Blessings
Cheryl..Snatch JOY~!
Greetings Cheryl,
ReplyDeleteI too would like to feature your blog because I absolutely love your dolls. If my expendable income had a bit more wiggle room (and a few less little birdies to feed) I would already own one of your beauties. Their personal stories are especially dear to me. The last time I was here, I wanted to check out your etsy store and found you by putting in your name there. Now the link is here. yay!!
love, Rose