Miss Trick or Treat herself ready and waiting for Halloween. I am still working on more dolls and will be listing more next week. I just only wish now that I am able to sell my dolls it is becoming frustrating at times and it can almost make one loose the desire to continue. I refuse to let that happen but with the money being spent and not seeing any returns just makes one wonder. I hope everyone is having a great evening
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl...Snatch JOY~!
Hello My Sweet Friends today I finished up Mable after redoing her dress. I love how she has turned out. I will be listing her today in my Esty Shop her price is $50.00 dollars minus travel fee. I also will be listing more dolls later this week. Mable has come a long way but she is now in search of a permanent resting spot. During her travels she has come across many difficulties but it has never stopped her from her mission to push forward. With a song in her heart and a dream to that told her it was possible she knew she could accomplish her goal.
Have a Wonderful day Everyone
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl.....Snatch JOY~!
Just a quick note to wish everyone a great weekend. I am busy sewing and have a full weekend ahead for me. Today is hot and I really don't want to go out but looks like might have to. My youngest son needs to get an ID made he got his first check from his summer job so you know how excited he is about that. Also, I am at lost need to be able to give this dolly a name. She will be listed later on today in my shop. I am going to take her outdoors for pictures it might show her off better I don't know why I get so nervous about this kind of thing. And lastly a reminder if I should ever sell one of my older dolls I am going to be having a give away.
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl...Snatch JOY~!
Hey Everybody I been working with my new size dolls.
This is the first time I have done a doll in this fashion. I am a little tickel about it lol. Well I gave it my best shot this is my version of a little girl ready for trick o treating. I painted her pail and made her some candy corn. I made her a mask just need to find a way for her to hold it. I am thinking I might also need to age her dress a bit the orange is so BRIGHT. I am off to making more dolls I will list this one in my Etsy shop soon. Have a great evening all
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl....Snatch JOY~!
Here I am! I finally got it! I made my dolls smaller as you can see the comparison now with the older doll. Oh gosh these are going to be so darn cute.
Mable poor Mable you sit there all alone body so misfitted, legs too long body too wide arms that long for something to hold. Poor Mable whose heart been broken all tattered and torn some how she tries to make others smile even though hers has been stolen along with her heart. Mable poor Mable she sure needs a home where someone will love her and make her feel at home.
Okay ladies you can get up off the floor now from laughing. I know she looks terrible I am going to redo her. Gosh what was I thinking lol. Back to the drawing board everyone have a Wonderful and Productive day
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl....Snatch JOY~!
Okay I couldn't hold it till I was finished so I had to share with yall what I have been doing in my crafty/artist/sewing room studio lol. It is still not complete yet. I am still trying to decide if I want to put down a vinyl floor or just leave as is. I don't mind much the all mishaps this floor shows and at least I can say it didn't come from me lol. This how I found it after I removed the some old carpet that was down by the previous owner.
I just love how my chest as turned out. I had painted it white a few years ago and never was satisfied with it. For a long time I have been wanting a space that had the colors black, white and pink I am almost there. I had plenty of storage boxes in those colors they never seemed to even stand out. My old desk finally came apart and I had a wish list one but I decided to wait on getting one. I can't show you the other side of the room yet it is still not together yet. The chair at my sewing table I found at Goodwill for 20 bucks I am going to make a slip cover that. I think I figured out my style for this room and that is to make it whimsical and eclectic . Have a great weekend everyone
Hello My Sweet Friends this is a short post with instructions lol I want you to listen to the song and view the photos enjoy your day
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl...Snatch JOY~!
Hello My Sweet Friends I hope everyone is staying cool. I am trying to get things done early before it gets too hot in my studio. I don't have air conditioning in here ugh matter fact it is the only room in the house that doesn't. These past few weeks I have been reflecting more and more back into my childhood days growing up. My family was really poor back then but yet it was some of the happiest times I can remember. My Mom and Dad was struggling really hard and had to let my brother and me go stay with my Aunt Leona. I thought about this today with this heat wave that we are all dealing with.
There was what they called back then a Beer Joint or Juke Joint but I only can remember my Aunt calling it a Beer Joint. It was on the corner down from where we stayed next door to that was a small grocery market and we as kids would go in there to buy Popsicles and can you believe this little 5cent loaves of Wonder Bread. We would stop at the corner and peek in the Beer Joint and see the grown folks in there some dancing other sitting at the bar talking. Which brings me to this one song every time I hear it I think back to that summer.
Ahh what fun that was we would stand on the corner and dance and giggle at the older folks in there dancing. The Mash Potato and the Jerk was the dance of the times those were the days. Funny how we have become so spoiled that the slightest bit of heat we are screaming. There was no air conditioners for the homes back then and some didn't even have house fans. Yet we made it through the scotching summers.
I can remember laying in bed on a hot summer night on top of my covers with windows open just praying for a breeze to come through. Those were days when Popsicles and koolaide was the best thing ever. Staying outside when sun went down and chasing lighting bugs until Auntie said it was time to come in. A cool bath to help you sleep through the summer heat.
Stay cool everyone try not to venture out unless it is necessary, check on your elderly neighbors and if someone doesn't have a fan and you have one to share please do.
The Temperature is the word of the day. It is suppose to reach 107 degrees here in Maryland DC area. It is a great day to stay in try to keep cool, and be CREATIVE. I look at this little girl in the picture and think how creative she was. What inspires you? When your ideas pop in your head do you jump right into or sit back and think more on the idea? Sometimes my head is flooded with ideas and it becomes frustrating to make them come to life. That is where I am now, so I am going to grab hold to the one that has been on my mind for a few weeks and just work on that and then move on to the next. Sometimes I can try to work on too many things at once. So with the music playing I will be busy today. Enjoy your day everyone
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl...Snatch JOY~!
p.s. here is another flash back song appropriate for today
I woke up with this song on my mind. Do any of you remember it? Gosh I use to love this song and today I guess it was just fitting I had to share it. There was no cookout at my house this weekend I am waiting till this weekend. I did watch the fireworks gosh they sure can bring out the kid in you. I went out on the hunt again for fiberfill only to travel to JoAnn's and not one box in the store. So I ended up buying 3 bags well it's a start, I will have something to show off this week and it is nothing that you would expect coming from me lol. Also I have a little over 19 yards of Red I am going to guess on this one ladies I think it is satin nylon. I could be used for lining. Anyone interested just email me. The cost is 15 dollars plus shipping I will try to keep the shipping cost down by shipping it flat rate. I am not sure about the shipping cost outside of the US.
Everyone have a Great Monday!
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl....Snatch JOY!
Have Wonderful Holiday Weekend Everyone! Anyone interested in some trims I am listed some in my Etsy shop this weekend here are just of a few of them.
The plain red trim is a little over 19yards selling it for 10 dollars plus shipping and heart trim is a little over 3 yards. I will be listing lost of craft items along with some other odds and ends. SOLD
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl......Snatch JOY~!
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I hate that dang Groundhog
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we have 6 more weeks of winter and Im bored out of my mind. I took Rich
some lunch and got a space in front of the bank...that never happens here ...
I'm working on this cute raggedy doll for St. Patrick's Day. I started
sewing her at home and then it was time to go to my middle daughter's home
to take ...
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The inside...
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A Year in Words Wall Hanging Club!
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Size 6-8
asking $45 + shipping...
Wow! Has It Really Been Three Years!!?
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last post. It honestly doesn't feel like that long.
So much...
Chalk Paint Project
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Stuff and Nonsense
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looking l l...
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by Hans Christian Andersen (1846)
*[image: I]T* was terribly cold and nearly dark on the last evening of the
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It feels Like Spring
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I currently have a boy bunny with his crow and carrots listed on Ebay. The
auction will last until Sunday evening. Hope you can take a peek at him.
My pla...
R.O.S.E Doll Show
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Mystery Message!!!! Love and Happiness!!!!!
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weather!!!! Having some fun!!!!! Ok above is step 3...below is step 4!!!!
We ...
Tom Bishop :Atlanta Miniature Show 2015
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31 Days of Beauty and Quotes Day 15
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A beautiful leaf from one of our trees.
To see the other 31 days posts click here.
Rhondi xo
More Arashi Shibori
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A Shoohoo!
[image: photo shoohootitle.jpg]
[image: photo shoohoo16.jpg]
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[image: photo shoohoo9...
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Three Little Bears
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Peter, George and Jack.
These three bears are now ready for new homes.
Lowongan Kerja QUANTUM ERP
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baik untuk
kalangan menengah maupun bisnis besar.
Saat ini kami se...
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Living Life
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Update on my first clay creation...
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added gothy stitches to her mouth. Her name came about as she screams like
a ba...
hey girls Still having major blog issues...
So I will most likely not be blogging anymore because I ca'nt seem to get
the problems resolved .No matter what the heck I do,I even tried starting
all ove...
Hello, it's me!
Happy Sunday to ya!
I've been horrible with blogging lately. With the new kitty and work and
stuff goin' on... I just haven't had the time. Or, MADE the t...
Pumpkin Patch Kids - Vintage Inspired Halloween
Inspired by vintage Halloween postcards, these Pumpkin Patch Kids are oh,
so sweet! I just added them to my Etsy Shop. Please visit and see more
pics! ...